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TNT’s great asset , Capturing your satisfying visions ….

“Take a picture of me” campaign

The TNT’s biggest asset was to capture your satisfied looks

The bcampaign of “Take a picture of me” was one of the biggest international campaigns of TNT in Iran. The method of this campaign was very simple and full meaning. How did this campaign work? Whenever you see the TNT logo, take a selfie and send us. The best photos were awarded an iPhone X or other valuable prizes. The interaction between our personnel with customers was priceless. The TNT International Post knows the best reward of forty years of service to you is your smiles of satisfaction. We are proud to announce that we were able to capture ten thousands of your smiles and looks in the photos.  Let’s record your million looks of satisfaction in the history of the TNT.

Right now with TNT post….

Just right now with TNT post …

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