Through its many years of experience and familiarity with the logistics and postal affairs both internationally and domestically, TNT International Post has successfully collected a range of postal terms and expressions and was compiled as your knowledge -based tool called WikiPosta. You can search for any post-related and some Customs-related words to find the simplest definitions and descriptions in WikiPostia . Furthermore, you can also find an efficient answer to your questions about the postal policies and procedures, as well as the Customs’ rules and regulations. This collection of information serves as a reliable reference for our dear customers and colleagues in Iran and worldwide.

What is a Wiki Post?
WikiPostia is a postal dictionary developed for the first time as a result of collaboration between our highly experienced TNT personnel ,who through many working years ,have earned expertise and familiarity of the postal services and our highly –skilled young personnel who possess substantial knowledge of modern transportation. The dictionary includes Postal and Customs’ terminologies that provides information in the field of transportation and could facilitate a reliable tool to our dear customers and colleague.
All contributors and colleagues active in the field of transportation, postal, Customs, logistics and any transport- related sectors are invited to complete and update this project. Please note that the purpose of this dictionary is to provide meaning and information in the most practical and simplest way, and the professional and technical meaning of the words and terms were not intended.
Goods whose export or import is prohibited by the law of Islam (on the basis of purchase, sale or consumption).
Goods either a commercial sample which is produced internally or externally or are forwarded for testing, analysis or repair , with no distinctive commercial volume , are not prohibited by legal or statutory prohibitions and are not antiques are allowed to be sent by obtaining the necessary licenses and observing the relevant regulations even without having commercial ID or export license. If the total shipping of the goods exceeds as a sample and be considered as commercial trading, the Ministry of Commerce may request detention of these goods from the Customs Office.
The goods that are sent abroad for repair or participation in exhibitions in special cases that must be returned to the country.
Temporary export of authorized Iranian goods through customs at the airports of the country can be completed by filing a declaration , obtaining an export permit from the customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and submitting a legal deposit . After the goods have been evaluated, the owner of the goods must submit the value specified by the Customs officers. The owner of the goods is required to make a temporary-exit declaration and seal the goods for inspection at the time of return. The temporary-exit license and its duration (up to 6 months) will be stated in the license, which means the goods should be returned to the country within this period. If the goods exported temporarily abroad exceeds the deadline time stated in the license, the exporter must apply for the extension of license. The Customs that issued the license will extend for 3 months with the approval of Iran Customs export office.
The Iranian customs is required to insure the goods in the customs and administrative internal transit against the risks of fire, explosion, and ignition and the corresponding insurance fee at the time of clearance until the delivery to its owner and collect from the owners of goods. The goods delivered to customs that have validated insurance will not expire until the end of the process. If it was submitted at the time of entering to the customs, premium will not be charged to the owner anymore.
The customs formalities for the export goods that have not stopped, a bill have not been issued and are cleared as a single shipment, the transportation is free without obtaining an insurance letter. The value of the goods for receiving the insurance fee in the case of export is the FOB value of the exported goods, which is the standard for calculating and receiving the insurance fee and paying compensation to the owner of the goods. The insurance fee for export goods is 55% per thousand of the value for each month.
Export insurance is optional and the exporter can insure his export goods with any insurance company.
The method of legal export from the country is carried out in two ways:
The first stage – formalities related to definitive export of goods by air:
For final export from the airport customs of the country, the owner of goods or its legal representative must bring the following documents to complete the customs affairs.
Warehouse bill that the goods have been delivered to the customs area
Original and copy of business card
If necessary, a license to issue goods (for conditional goods)
Health certificate (food and agriculture)
Standard certificate
Export sales invoice (INVOICE)
Packing list
Original and copy of power of attorney from the exporter (if needed)
t) Official letter of introduction from the owner of the goods
j) Other documents (according to the customs, for example, laboratory analysis)
The second stage – the export declaration by the customs of the Islamic Republic must be prepared.
After evaluating by the customs officer and approval of the export declaration, a customs label or a customs permit will be issued by the customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This will be the official license to export your goods. Your bill of lading will be issued as soon as possible after security and X-Ray of your cargo and cargo tags will be held on the boxes. After preparing the necessary documents, the exporter must submit the goods to the customs of the place of shipment. After issuing the warehouse bill, prepare and deliver the export declaration in four copies to the customs. This is considered as the export permit. In case with the request of the owner of goods and the agreement of the customs, the assessment and carrying out the customs of the exported goods can be done outside the customs premises.
The act of buying goods from foreign country and entering them into the customs territory at the destination country.
Means the payment of the shipping cost is by the recipient. The purpose of this service is to meet the needs of customers who want to receive the parcels at the destination from the recipient.
Cargo name and cargo type: H.S.CODE for customs affairs at the origin
Declaration of dangerous goods: Form M.S.D.S, CLASS, UN No
The net and gross weight of loads in case of volumetric load
The exact number and dimensions of packages (this should be observed in all stages of sending air cargo.)
Specifying the type of delivery DDA, DDP, FOB
Full Address and phone number of the sender
Address and telephone number of the recipient in full
Actual value of goods (INVOICE) for goods clearance
This method is mostly used for traders, companies and product importers. In this method, the transported cargo always has a commercial nature and must have a bill of lading. This type that is transported by air cargo called cargo (sending commercial cargo). The cargo is delivered to the destination country with full security. The large commercial cargoes are usually shipped by commercial flights and only small part of the commercial transport.
People who intend to immigrate or travel for a long time to other countries can send the goods and supplies to the destination country using freight and air freight. The private cargo calls freight.
It is a fund that the customs receive in exchange for the services. It provides to the owners of the goods and the amount and conditions are determined by the approval of the Council of Ministers. Here is the list:
Own a warehouse
Unloading and loading
Determination of tariff
Excellent service
The cost of care and delivery of the goods
All mails that sent abroad are subject to do customs checks. It must be accompanied by the relevant forms for deposits that are completed by the senders.
The forms based on customs declarations of the postal items are accepted and the customs examination is carried out are provided by the shipping company to the senders.
The customs officers may check the accepted goods by customs according to their relevant forms and in doubt, may request reopening of the package from courier officer to match the contents of the package with the forms. If there were any conflicts, they can return the package. If it contains any discrepancies, they can seize the parcel in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Once the registration code is recorded electronically in the customs system, it will go to the customs Hall. The customs officers, who are present at the customs hall, will fill out the declaration for shipment code that is entered in the system. At this point, the customs appraising officers would evaluate the parcels to ensure that the registered contents are correct. The registered value must also be in accordance with value as specified by the customs then it will be confirmed by the appraising officers.
After the cargo was delivered by the carrier, the goods are transferred to the customs warehouses. Once the seller submits documents and it receives by the buyer, it is possible to obtain the warehouse receipts and shipments can be cleared via the broker of the courier company as the agent of the owner of the goods.
Prior to the customs regulations, the declaration must be completed. Entering the information electronically to the custom’s portal system, the broker having the completed documents and the official power of attorney will present them to the customs, and process begins. The customs formalities vary according to the purposes of import and export of goods and the type of customs procedure.
It is a document that issued by the customs warehouse keeper. It shows how many goods how much weight is stored in warehouse. The warehouse receipt is the receipt of the delivery of goods to the customs.
A document issued by the warehouse keeper to the owner of the goods or his legal representative after seeing the Release Order Sheet and exit stamp. This document shows that the goods have been delivered to the beneficiary and can bring the transport vehicle inside the customs area to move out the goods.
A document issued by customs. This document means evaluation process has been completed and the owner of the goods settled the account with the customs and can prepare the preparations for the exit of his goods from the customs.
It is the same green customs certificate; the difference is that it applied to low value goods ($300), especially in relation to passenger goods and goods arrived by mail.
It is a document issued by the shipping company. This is issued after the ownership of the document is verified by the owner of the goods and presented to the shipping company. This document means that the owner of the goods has settled the account with the shipping company and can go to the customs office for customs procedures.
Payments of the goods to the customs received by issuing a document
In case of a dispute between the goods owners and customs, it is issued where the goods owners want to clear and then pursue their objection. The owners of the goods must deposit the amount by the customs as a deposit with the customs, if the final ruling is issued in favor of the owners of the goods. This deposit will be returned to them otherwise will be credited to the customs revenue.
It is a log book that all specifications and information of the goods are entered from the declaration. It also records the steps during evaluation and name of the evaluator. The Manifest Registration’s number is registered on the license declaration, income and deposit bills, etc.
It consists of carrying out customs operations until obtaining a customs green permit, which means settling the account with the customs that allows the interested parties to have the goods subject to clearance.
The geographical territory of a country that custom’s regulations are observed.
It means import rights, tariffs types are included:
Value tariff: based on a percentage of the value of the goods.
Quantitative tariff: based on the weight and meter or other units of the goods.
Composite tariff: A combination of two fixed and fixed tariffs
One of the most important documents that we need to prepare for the international transportation of a shipment is commercial purchase list (Invoice) and packing list which are known as invoices and packing lists. According to the law, the preparation of these documents is the responsibility of the seller of goods. The seller must provide information such as type, nature of the goods, quantity, dimensions, customs tariff code, the value of each item, and the total value of the shipment, etc. in invoice and packing form. The packing list must be submitted to the customs for the issuance of the export license and the seller is required to seal these documents to get them signed by an authorized person in the company. In this way, it guarantees the accuracy of the information entered in the invoice and packing list.
It is necessary for the seller of the goods to perform the export customs formalities. The commercial purchase list and the packing list must be submitted to the customs of exporting country. The buyer must submit these documents to the customs of the country when the goods are cleared at the destination.
It is prepared by the seller or the sender of the goods. There are also specialized companies that deal with the matter of packing goods and prepare the list of the contents and types of packages.
This list states the following information, which is:
The seller’s full name and address
The buyer’s full name and address
Invoice issue date
Invoice issue number
Row of goods
Specific description of offered goods
To specify the number of packages along with the type of packaging such as carton, wooden box, metal box, pallet, etc. in this column.
By preparing the packing list, it is not necessary to show the number of products sold. This number should be presented in invoice so the number of packages and type of packaging is sufficient.
The dimensions of the packages including the length, width and height of each package are displayed in this column in measurement unit.
The net weight of each package including the weight of the product before packaging is displayed in this column.
We display the gross weight of each package that includes weight of the product after packaging in this column.
The packing list of goods is an important documents that accurate the evaluation of the goods by the customs officials.
Invoice and purchase list are a documents that the seller or exporter issues in return for providing goods or services to the buyer. This document shows the amount if the buyer must pay to the seller in exchange for receiving a certain amount of goods or services. It is only between two parties in some cases and this bill issued to individuals.
The sellers are not required to follow a specific pattern for preparing invoices and can design the structure of its preparation depending on the policy of their organization. The structure should be clear and fully stated.
The below structure can be used as standard example to prepare a business list:
Sender or seller: the company that made or prepared the goods/services for sale to the buyer. In this section, full name of the company, the postal address and the phone number of the seller’s company should be stated. It should be stated in the invoice and packing list.
Recipient or buyer: the company that purchased goods/services from the seller’s company. It is necessary to state the full name of the company, postal address and phone number of the seller’s company.
Date of invoice: the date of issuance of the commercial list should be specified.
Invoice number: The commercial list must have a specific number (machine gun number) which must be listed in this section.
Row of goods and services provided.
A specific description of goods and services provided.
It is better to prepare the trade list for the goods that we have intend to export to enter the customs tariff code (HS Code) in the purchase list in order to comply with the principles of international trade.
Number of products (goods or services)
The unit price of the product (goods or services)
The total price of the product (goods or services)
We must pay attention that it is necessary to specify the currency unit in the preparation of the commercial list. Invoice and packing list must be prepared on the letterhead of a company and have to be signed /sealed by an authorized person.
The bill of lading, abbreviated as BL or BOL from the English term Bill of Landing, is a document issued by the shipping company. This document means that a specific product has been delivered to a specific place to be sent to a specific destination. The bill of lading is usually issued for sea, land and air transportation.
It is a document created for shipping companies by their carriers as a transfer receipt. A master bill of lading summarizes the contents of the shipment including declarations related to the various items as well as the description of the shipment under each bill of lading. This document also includes the cargo transportation conditions, name/address of the goods carrier, and the sender and receiver.
The general bill of lading is issued by the carrier and the bill of lading accepts responsibility for both sides of the shipment. Along with the main bill of lading, there are several local bills of lading that main carrier acts as the consignee or the deliverer on each side of the transit. The composite bill of lading is issued by the shipping agent who is responsible for land and sea transportation. In fact, in this case, the shipping agents will be responsible for planning the shipment from the beginning to the end.
It is a method based on which goods are transported from one customs to another under customs supervision.
According to Article 95 of Customs Affairs, internal transit is a customs procedure based on which goods are allowed that have not been cleared from a customs
It will be transferred to other authorized customs or other places under the supervision of customs that final customs formalities can be carried out at the destination.
Internal transit of the goods according to the applicant’s request and customs decision is called personal internal transit or administrative internal transit.
In Article 95 of Customs Affairs, stated the external transit of goods is a customs procedure based on which goods are intended for transit.
To enter the customs territory from one authorized customs office and exit from another authorized customs office under customs supervision.
The necessary documents for the transit and forms related to the transit of goods are as follows:
In case of one-piece shipment, submit the agreement of the port and shipping administration stating that one-piece shipment is unobstructed, otherwise, submit these following documents:
Warehouse Receipt
Discharge form from the shipping company or bargemen’s cooperative
Manifest or bill of lading
Baling list (as applicable)
Goods purchase invoice
Introduction letter for the representatives of the goods owner from law firms
Power of attorney
Image of a business card or a business license card, as the case may be
Pass permit (as applicable)
Warranty or legal obligation
Bank license (as applicable)
CHR road guide