DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)

پرداخت عوارض گمرکی توسط گیرنده DDU

فهرست مطلب

Diversity in serving conditions provides the best choice

Each country has separate customs laws, and to enter any type of goods into any country, special duties must be paid for those goods to enter the desired country. In this service, the customer can pay the customs duties of the destination country.
Procedure: Receiver Pays

The process of performing DDU service:

How can you benefit from the services and how can you be informed about the status of the sent package?

This service is currently done by phone call and in later stages through TNT International Express Post application as well as the website

To use this service, contact the relevant expert and if there are customs duties on the shipment, the recipient must pay the desired amount in the destination country. .

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